

It is a 60 proof sweet rum. Juice from selected sugar canes have been carefully fermented and aged in small red oak barrels. This product is macerated with ripe coconuts in order to convert it in a mythical elixir containing its own particular aroma and flavor. It is especially dedicated to a generation that wants Read More


It´s alcoholic content is 52 proof. Originally it is an Italian liqueur but this one is made in Costa Rica. Its innovating aroma and fragrance evokes a spirit of freedom. Its unique enticements are given away by the almonds that share with us, the freshness and beauty of the four seasons at the Mediterranean Sea.


It´s alcoholic content is 52 proof. This is an exotic fantasy liqueur made with a lot of love. It is the result of the distillate of Costa Rican “black prince” roses converted into a delicate jewel to develop special feelings. This extraction is used to enhance specially the modern sensual woman and make her, undoubtedly, Read More


It is a 60 proof delicacy. It contains an extract of a piece of a tropical Costa Rican rain forest blue sky. It is like drinking with esthetic elegance and audacity a blue oasis of sophisticated exuberance in honor to nature. It´s astringent and citric flavor produce a sensation of fullness together with its aroma Read More


It´s alcoholic content is 52 proof. It is a liqueur made audaciously with style and passion. It is made out of a meaty, sweet, yellow fruit that grows in the southeast of Europe. It´s freshness and enigmatic elegance have a scrumptious aroma of the Mediterranean Sea. This liqueur is to be enjoyed by people with Read More


It´s alcoholic content is 60 proof. Its exuberance and delicacy provide colossal and romantic dimensions proper of a turbulent flavor fabricated by the gods of the tropical Atlantic rain forest of Costa Rica. The aroma exhaled opens up the senses of an uncontrollable passion that comes from the Caribbean Sea. It is like the topaz Read More


It is a provoking, intriguing and exotic 52 proof liqueur. The fruits are cultivated, grown, dried and processed in the tropical Atlantic rain forest zone of Costa Rica. This liqueur provokes and excites our senses to discover its deepest secrets that bring out temptation, lust and pleasures to the most demanding palate.


It is a 60 proof liqueur. It has an addictive oriental fragrance that makes a contrast with mountain aromas. The tropical enchanting perfume given out by the plant flowers, concentrate afterwards in exotic red grains and when they are picked, dried and roasted by experts, they become the gold of the Costa Rican heights. This Read More


It is a 52 proof liqueur. The berries are grown in the high mountains near the volcanos. Their color, juiciness, heart shaped forms and flavor inspire the young lovers to eat them and then kiss each other transmitting through their mouths the carmine color and exquisite sensual flavored juice to each other. It is a Read More


It´s alcoholic content is 52 proof. It comes from an exotic tropical nut of the same name which is produced in the rain forest low lands of Costa Rica. The sensual classical mythical fragrance and sophisticated refined flavor, spurs out of the seeds when they are delicately toasted. Afterwards they are macerated in order to Read More